Guide – Applying for COVID Food Delivery Support Package in Tokyo


(Updated: 7/Aug/2022)

If you are in Tokyo and are unfortunate to have been tested positive for COVID, you can apply for Food Delivery Support Package with the Tokyo Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health.

The Application website online is mostly Japanese with only an machine translated English version of the website available which is pretty bad. Here I will go through the steps necessary to apply for the Food package.

Who Can Apply?

If a person has been tested positive for COVID at any registered Clinic in Tokyo, and the person is required to self-isolate and take care of themselves at home, that person will be eligible to apply for the Food Package Delivery.

How many packages can I receive?

Food packages are comprised of 2 boxes per set. The number of sets supplied will depend on the number of COVID patients in your household.

In the past, 1 set of supply was delivered to 1 person per household, along with 6 x 2L water bottles.

As of 17 July 2022, due to the increase in the number of COVID patients in Tokyo, the number of packages available to an household has been decreased. Households with up to 3 COVID patients will receive 1 set of Food supply which is 1 week worth of Food supply for 1 person.

You will no longer receive 2L water bottles in the supply packages.

What is included in the Package?

1 set (2 boxes) of Packages includes basic food items designed to sustain 1 person for 1 week. Food mostly comprises of instant items that can be prepped easily without the need for cooking knowledge.

1 set of Food Package from the Official Website

The actual photo of the package received are below. This was received before 17 July 2022 hence the actual contents of the package may defer.

You may also apply for an Oximeter to be sent through to monitor your Oxygen Levels. This Oximeter will need to be returned after you have recovered via the return letter pack that will come with.


How to Apply

Online Application is available via the Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health website.


If you prefer to call directly, call the number 0120-670-440.

You may change the language of the website to your language using the language buttons on the upper right corner of the website on PC. If you are using your phone, tap on the blue Menu (メニュー) icon on the top right corner and select your language from there.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Click on the Green Web Application button located slightly down the website to move on to the online application. Alternatively, click on the Phone Application button on the right side and this will open up the dial to call if you are browsing on your phone.

Left: Web application // Right: Phone application

2. The website will become Japanese and I see no way to change this through the website. You may use Google translate if you have difficulties reading through the page in Japanese if needed, but the content is mostly going through what has been covered in this article above.

You will be required to answer 2 questions at the bottom of the page. Tick each box and click Next.

My Translation in Orange

3. In the next page, there will be 2 ticker boxes at the top which allows to request either (or both) Food package and Oximeter. Left choice is the food package (配食申込) and the right choice is the Oximeter (パルスオキシメーター申込). I would suggest to tick both so you can monitor your health just in case.

Fill out your name and address in the areas following along with your contact number and email address.

At the bottom of the page, you will be required to fill out the date the symptoms started and when you were identified as COVID positive. You will also be required to fill out the name of the Clinic in which you tested for COVID. This area is important as this information is used to run background checks on your COVID status to ensure you are eligible for the support package.

My translation on the details to be provided

Click on Confirm when you are done and that should conclude your application process.

You will receive an email once completed with the details on your application.

When will my package arrive?

Your package should arrive within 1-3 days. The package will be delivered to your door without face to face contact.

If there are any tips or further info on the package delivery please do leave a comment below to help out.


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